How Many People Tickle Your Fancy?
Was having a conversation with a friend (why do we always talk about this stuff Shuai? :)) and the discussion was based around this question:
Out of the people that you meet via your friends or by yourself ie a social setting, how many of them would you like to get to know better?
Now Shuai and I varied in our responses significantly. Assuming that I take a interest in (roughly) one person a month, I think I would meet say 100 people (two new people every Friday night hehe), that equates to 12%. According to comparisons with Shuai and others, that's majorly high.
I consider myself a friendly guy, and, judging from my latest personality test, I tend to look on the positive side for most people. Much like that email spiral action (which, by the way, has come crashing down like a house of cards) if someone is friendly to me, I'll be friendly back to them. I suppose this means that I easily get interested. As a friend on mine puts it ever so eloquently, I'm "ho'ing it up" :)
On the flip side, I'm never complaining that I don't meet enough people, that there's "noone worth pursuing", that it's a nunnery. You can only control yourself, right? So for all those lonely souls out there (which includes myself), I'm writing this down. Look for the positives in people, laugh at other people's jokes, make others smile. Cause if everyone does that, pretty soon someone will do it back to you, and maybe, just maybe, the percentages won't be single digits anymore :P
Damn! 21 cheap calls already:
How about the percentage of those 12 people that you are interested in that you end up dating (at least semi-seriously)?al - 26 April '04 - 20:58
I think you left out the "laugh at urself too" factor. I think people need to be more lightened up, opened to meeting new people and friends should try to help introduce their friends to others...cos some ppl are just shy!
I bring my girl friends to some parties that i get invited to, and i introduce them to others...but they are just too shy...i even show them how easy it is to just start talking to isnt working! my endeavours are becoming fruitless!
petals - 27 April '04 - 06:20
Do you want to get to know me... intimately?
Janey - 27 April '04 - 06:42
i agree with li-shuai - you can be friendly and get along with ppl you meet and it's all good but how many do you really "click" with, where getting to know them better is something that comes naturally...
mushiejc - 27 April '04 - 17:14
Sorry, this is a long comment...
There are some people that when you meet, you just click with, and it has happened to me before...and you just talk and talk and talk to the person...this is with both male and females.
But there are some people that you need to get to know over a period of time...and see them more frequently for that "click" to occur. I've met a few people over the past month, and i have spoken to them also, not enough to make us friends or for us to click, but i think given time, we could become really good friends...
I think the problem with the lonely souls today, is that people are choosing between "clicking" or "forgetting". By this i mean, some people will meet someone, and its either they hit it off, or they wont even bother making friends with someone just because they didnt "click", which in my opinion is silly...
I think the way to decrease the lonely soul feeling is to increase the number of friends, to meet more people and let the potential in clicking to grow. Like i said earlier, sometimes you need time to become a friend with someone to realise you do click and want to be more with that person.
petals - 28 April '04 - 05:32
does anyone else reckon that the number of people that you bother to remember has decreased enourmously since university days? ever since leaving uni, if i dont click straight away, i couldnt care less about remembering people.
ron - 29 April '04 - 01:25
hmm, al, currently, looking at 1.
Sometimes, petals, do you think that you have enough good friends, and hence can't be bothered to make new ones if they don't make the cut? Cause I'm sure I can list friends that I have neglected that I should make an effort to keep in touch with.
And yes Janey, I would :P ... this is so random haha
JookBoy (link) - 29 April '04 - 12:38
Hahahaha Jookboy - u're so cheap! Maybe you find that 12% cause all it takes if someone to go - "u want me?" and you're in for it! (as proven with that random call with Janey - though that's prob not the only example :) Always in, go it son!
Maybe the rest of us are too stiff ... I mean rigid ... I mean errr ... non friendly enough to accept or offer these random "I would like to get to know u better" call ...
Cheap Calls - 01 May '04 - 16:35
haha, dodgy bastard :)
So if someone says "I would like to get to know you better", you would be immediately suspicious? Why?
Do you think that you may not be good enough to get to know them?
Why not accept that friendly gesture?
What is the issue?
JookBoy (link) - 02 May '04 - 04:57
I do have many really good friends, and i make friends these days out of convenience. By that i mean, if i bump into the same people frequently, but not intending to, i take the chance to get to know them on those occasions.
Much like urself, Bill or Li-Shuai...i think you guys would be cool friends(Bill is currently on the borderline, cos he cant be swayed by a girl with tears in her eyes! Very cold Bill...very cold! *LoL*)...
But point is, i'm not going out of my way to get to know you guys all that much...its more like ive bumped into you guys through other friends when we are out and about and its silly not to speak to you guys cos you're there and are friends with my friends!
petals - 02 May '04 - 07:28
hrmm... but I don't think you're ready for this jelly. I don't feel the 'click' at all.
Janey - 02 May '04 - 14:06
haha, impressive that you realised we have no "click" after two sentences :)
JookBoy (link) - 04 May '04 - 05:23
Janey, if you bring the jelly, I'll bring the wading pool, the cream and the gerbil.
Baby, I'm feeling the click already!
Horn_dog - 04 May '04 - 10:42
To answer your comment, petals, friendships will occur either by effort or time...I concur that you will become friends if you see the other person frequently enough.
What I meant in my previous comments was if you did not have that time factor, would you make the effort to establish a friendship?
JookBoy (link) - 04 May '04 - 10:48
No, I wouldnt...thats what i meant by now, these days, I make friends out of convenience. If the time factor wasnt part of the equation I, personally, wouldnt make the effort...not today anyways! ;)
petals - 04 May '04 - 04:56
Ooooh yeah! Sorry JookBoy, but it seems like I've found someone else that can click with me. :P By the way Horn_dog, I like gerbils, but do you like strap-ons? Because I find a good marital aid is fundamental for a relationship to work.
Janey - 04 May '04 - 10:26 has now officially become a dating service!
JookBoy (link) - 04 May '04 - 17:40
jookboy - u might have to put one of those - "Only ppl over 18 yrs are allowed into this website" disclaimers! xxx'ing it up :)
for me, it's rare to meet someone who i would seek to spend more time with getting to know them ... i would more likely get to know them if I saw them regularly. It is most definitely different for a single guy ... I think u should be out and about getting to know many girls (law of averages)
i spose the main difference is wether u go after it (make a move) or you want things to just happen for you ...
Dessy - 05 May '04 - 06:32
A couple of my friends who have seen you around Kev would like to get to know you better. Hee!
riss (email) (link) - 10 May '04 - 17:37
hehe...w00t :)
JookBoy (link) - 10 May '04 - 18:29
Making further effort to get to know someone is probably a bit too unnatural off the bat. I mean, we all have our sorta "core" group of friends, that probably fulfull 90% of your friendship needs. Finding out whether you "click" with someone I dont think is the right term.
Developing a friendship is not just down to instant "clickage". There are other factors, which are as equally as important. Timing is a big one, hobbies, more chance meetings. Getting to know someone I dont think can't be forced, and you'll know someone better naturally if you see them maybe 10 times out.. just somewhere, and then if you pass this stage then perhaps it can develop into something more permanent.
Take us at uni for eg. It wasn't that all the BIT's in particular clicked instantly. It was the sharing of common experiences, and time day in day out that made it what it was.
btw, if there are any fine ladies around that are lonely, pass em up :P
My 0.02c :)
Peedz - 19 May '04 - 18:00