Tuesday, 30 November 2004

Some People...

It seems like this...


turns to this....


which in turn turns to this....


Cheap call away :)

Damn! ten cheap calls already:

hahahahahaha ... I'd been hoping to see some photos of THAT Lil from the dance party :) - r u still insisting that was not alcohol-induced?
Dessy (link) - 01 December '04 - 05:35

hee hee - i'm sure ms poon is ecstatic about your post!
mushiejc (link) - 01 December '04 - 06:13

dude, where are the last three pics in the series??

randomcow - 03 December '04 - 04:24

Hey, shouldn't this post come with a parental guidance warning? Hahaha...

That's a side of Lil we don't see very often...agh, the mantle of digital voyeur is shared around, right Matt?
ricegrains (link) - 03 December '04 - 11:47

Oh dear
Ms poon is NOT ecstatic about your post!!
Altho, that doesnt compare to the party action in New York! :p
Lil - 04 December '04 - 01:17

i am just SO glad none of me in the cage have yet to surface.......
addy (link) - 04 December '04 - 03:13

Yes, I'm sure 'Paris' Poon is living it up elsewhere...I'm sure there be digital photos taken from that :)
JookBoy (link) - 05 December '04 - 04:14

right boges! lucky for you i didn't bring my digicam ;p
thevault - 05 December '04 - 07:29

A wolf in sheeps clothing... our Lil.
PeeDz - 06 December '04 - 16:45

Lil do you actually remember that you were grinding ME up in the cage too??!!!?

Well geez *blush*, I didn't realise our friendship has progressed to 'that' level. Hot stuff girlfriend.
beckster (link) - 07 December '04 - 23:09

Thursday, 18 November 2004

Long Letters

In this age of cheap one line emails and "I'm too busy to talk", I love getting a long letter to read. I remember writing such things in the olden days of high school, and getting them as well. It's the thought of "knowing that they're just thinking about you" (as a friend told me) that makes it so worthwhile.

The higher quality ones are the hand-written variety, where there has been no full-on editing of the text, as can happen when you write digitally. It comes across as very honest and usually quite heartfelt, and seems to provide a deeper window to their thoughts.
I have to admit that I haven't done a hand-written letter for a while...will have to consider it for the next big occasion :)

I have a drawer at home that has all the letters that I've received over the years. Of all my possessions, I think I would fear losing that the most. So many memories of good times are contained in that drawer. And now, I have another letter to add to that collection. Thanks babe!

Damn! sixteen cheap calls already:

I love long letters too =).
beckster (link) - 19 November '04 - 21:19

its a dying art...writing a letter......
i wrote a letter to my grandmother the other week..Boy was it hard! I can write pages and pages of essays and blogs but writing a letter gave me a mental block.... It starts out with: Dear (insert name), How are you? (or the equivalent) , The weather is fine here.... and then im stuck :P
I think we should all start writing letters again... Its extra special nowadays....
addy (link) - 20 November '04 - 06:39

write it in word, do all the necessary editing, run spellchecker then write it on A5 texturized-purfume-scented paper using an HB pencil with those crap ass paper tearing rubbers on the end of them.

just like an assignment in reverse.

you've been suckered jb.
ue - 21 November '04 - 03:21

Remind me never to trust any "hand-written" letters from you ue :)
JookBoy (link) - 21 November '04 - 10:42

You better still have all those letters I wrote you in your cupboard too biatch *wink wink*
PeeDz - 21 November '04 - 18:18

Hmm...on second thought - who wrote you those letters in the drawer again JB???!! =p
beckster (link) - 21 November '04 - 19:51

hahaha, now i can see kev just going and editing that part of his entry out bec :p

the reason why i've stopped writing letters is because my handwriting has gone to crap after school/uni because everything is done on the computer at work and i hardly have to write anything anymore. and when i do my hand gets sore. meh.
riss (email) (link) - 22 November '04 - 03:20

Its been a couple of years since i wrote a long hand written letter...my hand has forgotten how to now!

I write long emails these days...but i dont edit those...takes too much effort to edit the emails too! ahahahaha
petals - 22 November '04 - 07:19

I totally agree there JB. the best thing I've received would've been a handmade card from someone a few years back, probably coz i found out it took over 4 hrs to make! emailing/sms-ing can be soo impersonal sometimes. bring back the pre-email days (oh my gawd did i just say that!!!) ok, maybe not that extreme, but bring on the more personalised forms of communication!
lmm - 22 November '04 - 08:58

Long letters, hey? Have you done a search on Google?

Actually, I get hand-written letters quite often. I just cleaned a bunch of them out from my desk drawer last week. They're all in Japanese :)

I think that if you like receiving hand-written letters, you just have to have a lot of girlfriends.
randomcow - 22 November '04 - 09:45

i cant write if the page has no lines! its bizarree...its like i have no sense of 'straight'
addy (link) - 22 November '04 - 12:23

Those letters were close to the heart! No edits of this post...Alright, I admit it, they're all from Peedz :P

But your're right, riss with the writing side of things. I had an exam that I had to write short answers for...had cramps after 30min of writing!

Sage advice, rc. But I think I'll pass at the moment.
JookBoy (link) - 22 November '04 - 18:03

That reminds me.... (sorry to hijack your blog, btw - feel free to delete/move. Just that I don't know a better place to put this)

I go out and meet way too many Japanese girls. Often what will happen is that for some reason or another we can't get together (eg I have already been with her friend, my reputation preceeds me, personality incompatibility, etc). However these girls are keen to meet Aussies and make friends. Sometimes too keen, and they end up in the company of people who prey on these kind of girls. Quite honestly if they're going to get eaten then I'd prefer it be my friends doing the eating.

So I was wondering if any guys (or girls, I guess) would be interested in coming out and meeting a few of these girls? Most of them speak a little english, but even if they don't you can communicate in the universal language. I just think it's a waste for me to go meeting these girls and then just never call them again just because they don't suit me. Call it philanthropy if you will :)

Email me: randomcow@hotmail.com

randomcow - 25 November '04 - 11:26

I know how you feel mate, pimpin aint easy
Dre - 25 November '04 - 11:51

"Call it philanthropy if you will :)"

PIMPanthropy :P

I believe I just coined a new term.
PeeDz - 29 November '04 - 12:26

Yes, rc, you're generous beyond belief :)

"Just that I don't know a better place to put this". What are you saying about my blog, mate? It ain't that much of a pimp website, is it??
JookBoy (link) - 29 November '04 - 16:53

Thursday, 11 November 2004

A Lack Of Sleep

Couldn't get to sleep the other night. Just too much thinking of where I should be and where I am currently, and what the options are. I suppose a lack of activity at work has prompted a review of what Lend Lease means to me, and why I feel that I'm not moving forward as fast as I can. Also, seeing a friend last night made me think of what overseas has in store.

I so want to be sure that the next step is the right one for me. However, buy thinking so much about which step is best, you end up not making a decision at all.

I think I know what I want to do. I want to have my own business, and the learnings I need lie outside of the IT area. Things like marketing, sales, budgeting are not within the scope of the role that I have now. There is a possibility of a marketing job within that I think may help alleviate some of this knowledge deficit, but it is neither confirmed nor detailed.
There is a side of me that really wants to work overseas. Why? Because I think it's a step towards gaining a broader perspective on life, to meet new people, and to see what else is out there. Again, there is a possibility of this opportunity.

Both seem to be experiences that would be lots of fun. However, both are far away (possibly next June at the earliest) and both are (realistically) incompatible, given my low level of expertise in the marketing area. The highest priority task must therefore be to work out what the actual two jobs consist of. Of course, with the overseas

For some reason, I just feel so "meh" at work at the moment. Something's been lost at Lend Lease for me, that energy that was in there before. I think it's a case of hanging around the more negatively minded people, listening to their stories (which I can empathise with), or maybe it's the fact that I'm not really doing any new projects currently (although this situation has only reared its ugly head in the last 2 weeks).

It sucks to be in this position, I want to move forward, and I have this bad feeling that I'm not going to be able to for the next few months. But then I stop and think for one minute...only 26, and as my good friend's sister pointed out, not complete until 30. Another friend told me that, if you look at it another way, if both choices are good, then that doesn't mean either choices won't be available if one is picked. Also, I'm working in one of the nicest corporate buildings in Sydney, if not Australia. There's some wonderful people around me, and you have managers that like you.

Somewhere in that list, I should be able to utilise it to my advantage, right? :)

Damn! four cheap calls already:

The hunting never stops my man. I feel your pain..well, I've felt many things of yours I shouldn't have, but this is life.

All I can say is, if you really want something to change be prepared to take some other chances. You know that I know that you know this well, sometimes it just has to be said again.

Oh my other point, WE F**KING YOUNG STILL. Dont sweat it. I for one now believe life truly begins at 30 :)
PeeDz - 10 November '04 - 18:08

Dude, my suggestion is to go overseas and just lie about the experience you have. Tell them that you have 4 years in marketing and put me as your reference/contact phone number. Then you just have to sit back and wait for the life experiences to come knocking on your door...

randomcow - 14 November '04 - 05:58

"Dude, my suggestion is to go overseas and just lie about the experience." - RC

yes, I am in ageement. Tell the ladies you worked as a porn star before being deported from Australia due to three lewd conduct and indecent exposure charges, with one of the more serious incidents lasting over several hours. Or conversely, tell them you're overseas getting penis reduction surgery because the extra weight be 'throwing off your balance when you walk.'

I'm sure that will get you some good work in Germany.
Desi Arnez - 14 November '04 - 09:30

Thanks for the quality cooments! I'll keep them in mind. Or maybe others who read this website may find that they're more useful to them :)

I was in a strip show...does that count for me being a porn star?
JookBoy (link) - 18 November '04 - 12:41

Thursday, 4 November 2004

Year 9 Homework

It feels pretty easy! I went to a youth centre to help out a Year 9 student doing her geography assignment. It's part of a Lend Lease initiative to assist with the youth in the Miller's Point district. The instructions are quite clear, there are a lot of tips and guidance to help you with the assignment...ah to be back in Year 9 again!

However, what is depressing is the amount of apathy that this Year 9 student showed. The assignment was late already, but it was just like she didn't give a fuck. It was a lot of effort to just get to concentrate on looking at some web sites, to search around for some information. Every little distraction would cause her to focus elsewhere.
My admiration of social workers has increased tremendously. It's so hard to stay enthusiastic and to work out the amount of pushing you can do to these kids before they totally turn off you.

Apparently I might have some skill in this area. The student was willing to at least stay in the room for the whole hour, instead of just walking off, which she's done before. Maybe it was my random swearing that kept her attention :)
However, you do have this want to keep helping and trying. Maybe one day they might be inwardly motivated, instead of having to rely on external shoving to get shit done.

Where do kids get their motivation these days?

Damn! three cheap calls already:

Well hang in there...it's pretty difficult and can be frustrating at times. It's just that kids at that age don't see that by not making an effort now, it'll impact on their future (I don't really blame them 'cos I was like that too back then!). I face the same thing with my 11 and 12-year-old student.
dsd (link) - 04 November '04 - 20:46

You do what you can you know? It's good you're getting out there and helping kids; you just have to remember that you can't help EVERYone, as frustrating as that may be.

As for motivation, who knows? Probably from some reality TV show; now THERE'S an opportunity waiting to happen :)
ricegrains (link) - 07 November '04 - 02:45

When I was teaching I realised that you get attention from your students by connecting with them or their level. If that fails, try flashing your tackle. It will at teh very least get their attention (but may also land you in jail.)
Dre - 09 November '04 - 13:38