Sunday, 26 June 2011


It's amazing, but there still seems to be people that are reading this blog (hi Mom and Dad!). So it's worthwhile to post some updates.

Multiple trips across SE Asia. I love the tropical islands around here, so easy to get to from SG and also fairly good value for money. I'm a big fan of those resorts where you don't have to think much and get all the food catered for.
Tried to do some diving again (in Redang, Malaysia) and in hindsight I should have done the refresher course. Had all this trouble staying at neutral bouyancy. It may have been due to me taking enormous and quick breaths! After one diver (where I came to the surface with a bloody nose) I've decided it's not my sport.

Going to Hong Kong next week, might even swing by Macau. Always good to see family and friends. And then NYC at the end of the month!! Should be fantastic.

Work continues to be quite enjoyable. I've come to the realisation that I do like mangaging people. I like talking to my staff, encouraging to do bigger and better things. I'm not sure how good I am at it, but it's definitely a learning experience. This coming year, I need to do more engagement with the people in country, and understand what ICT options they need. More video conferencing!

And as this year has flown by, it's time for another birthday. Next week, 33. I was talking to some friends the other day about internal contentment. Am I content? I am much more comfortable (and confident) with the person that I am. Not content because there is still so much more to achieve in life. I'm still young enough to hold a dance party! Jook revived in Singapore!

Here's to another great year.

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Japan and Plan C

It has (again) been a while since I've updated. Apologies to family members that have been waiting breathlessly for the latest news!
First off, Japan. Bringing skis is good in theory, but slightly annoying when having to carry three other bags. I was unlucky with the snow in Niseko, somehow getting the only 4 days of sunshine for Feb. Tokyo was a blast, eating, drinking, partying. I totally recommend going to Shibuya 109, the all female department store just to check out the cutey chicks! My new favourite look, the short shorts, off shoulder top and heels. Hot!
Hoping to get to Korea at the start of April, there's so much hype for that place!

On a completely different topic, I think I understand what being a "Plan C" for someone feels like. They enjoy your company, have fun conversations over chat, willing to say yes to dates, but they NEVER initiate. You never feel like it is quite right. In essence, you are not their "Plan A", and if they are your "Plan A", then it kind of sucks.
The question then becomes, can one move from being a "Plan C" to "Plan A"? From my experience, I think the answer is no. The only real method is to make them a "Plan C", through mental and emotional discipline, and pace oneself. Don't "give all your cookies away", as a friend once told me. (As an aside, telling them that you like them may not be that bad. At least everyone is clear on where they stand).
Such is life. To all the people that suffer this syndrome, you have my sympathies!

Sunday, 23 January 2011


One of the real joys of moving to SG has been to reconnect with old friends.

Reconnecting with my high school mates living in SG on a regular basis makes me feel that SG is so much more like a real home, as opposed to a place that I am just passing through.
They look after me through dinners, giving local advice when needed and living vicariously through my up and down social life. It has definitely made the transition to this city much easier.

I'm reconnecting with other friends here in SG, acquaintances previously but now good friends. Time and proximity does that to people!

I'm reconnecting with good friends in South East Asia, such as HK, Shanghai, Tokyo (in two weeks!). When traveling around is this easy, I should have no excuse not to visit.

I'm reconnecting with people have swung by SG in the last 5 months to visit, adding new memories to old memories. Everyone seems wiser, more comfortable with themselves. Some are putting a greater commitment to living the life they have, others are ambitiously planning a change to their current one. I'm happy for everyone's successes, and wish it upon myself as well!