One of the real joys of moving to SG has been to reconnect with old friends.
Reconnecting with my high school mates living in SG on a regular basis makes me feel that SG is so much more like a real home, as opposed to a place that I am just passing through.
They look after me through dinners, giving local advice when needed and living vicariously through my up and down social life. It has definitely made the transition to this city much easier.
I'm reconnecting with other friends here in SG, acquaintances previously but now good friends. Time and proximity does that to people!
I'm reconnecting with good friends in South East Asia, such as HK, Shanghai, Tokyo (in two weeks!). When traveling around is this easy, I should have no excuse not to visit.
I'm reconnecting with people have swung by SG in the last 5 months to visit, adding new memories to old memories. Everyone seems wiser, more comfortable with themselves. Some are putting a greater commitment to living the life they have, others are ambitiously planning a change to their current one. I'm happy for everyone's successes, and wish it upon myself as well!