Birthday Review
A birthday is usually a time to reflect upon last year and the year ahead. What do I feel now that I have turned 37?
First of all, 37 feels old! Still closer to 35 than 40, but if I was asked what kind of person would I be at 37 when I was 30, I would have expected a lot more "settled-ness". I would have expected kids, or at least some stable relationship. It is a testament to the power of social conditioning that I still have think of these expectations, even though my life is clearly not in that state, and I am quite happy to be in the state that I am now. Good to have some fun with things like Augustman.
I think I could have pushed myself harder this year in terms of the business. I do what is necessary but I don't think I have that strong a hunger to really make this business go. It could be that I am hitting a barrier of how far "just doing a business for business' sake" gets me. Also the realisation that Morganfield's is not our brand, so there is no real future to develop that brand, and that we are better off putting our efforts into another brand. I am happy though that the business can operationally run itself. That is one level of achievement. Now we just need it to make another 5-10% sales for it to make good returns. I need to think more about what I really want in a business, not just what Jo wants. That is a challenge.
I could have also pushed harder on working in the social entrepreneur space, with Aives. But that one is not a lost cause, I think it will come back next year, and I may be in a better frame of mind. I am glad that we did Pig Out, doing projects like that are really my alley, and at least I have started on my charity path. Work for Bill Gates!
I think these next 3 years will be a good test of what else can be done. As per the article on "Four Stages of Life", I am not yet quite at Level 3. And I don't want to be a man child, although I think owning a business instantly makes a person less of a man child. I do think now that there are many paths to achieving financial independence, not just one business. So key to this is to develop businesses to run themselves, and acknowledge that as long as it is positive in cash flow, it can be time to move on to something else. The issue here is that we are running out of capital, so getting some capital back from the existing business is critical.
I really think that Korea will be a good experience. Time to reflect and review, and time to try new things. Have to make the experience worthwhile, not sure how, but have that in the back of my mind. Maybe one new F&B idea, or five potential investment partners to start something in Korea. Generate the ideas each day. Follow the 10 ideas a day training.
I would like to work more on my spirituality. I am happy with the calmness I bring to my own life. Perhaps more meditations? Definitely continue to journal.
Health is ok. Korea could be rough from a drinking perspective, make sure I don't overdo it. Having an external incentive for gym like Halloween is the way to go!