Thinking Straight
I have to think more on the different perspectives of the business, instead of focusing too much on just solving one problem.
I also have to stop just taking the information from my RGMs and regurgitating, and put some thought behind what they say to see if it will be applicable.
I think I still have a tendency to trust too much what other people say. That includes both RGMs and Jo, actually. So before I make a decision, take a step away from myself and ask "would I tell Kev this is a good decision?"
In the situation that happened today, I think I am not that good when the arguments are not my own. If I am representing someone else, then my arguments are not cohesive and thought through.
The problem with this specific issue is that I think one of my RGMs is tuning out or actually acting negatively to any idea that comes from the boss. Which is no good, as it means that even good ideas or thinking are negatively viewed. In this instance I think I was trying to help out the situation by attempting to mediate, but in reality I just myself look like I hadn't thought the issue through.
Going forward, three things:
1. Do not get involved in a dispute unless I understand both sides of the equation.
2. Do not try to represent other people's views. Encourage them to express their own view instead to the people directly. It is very hard to represent properly.
3. Think as an outsider: "does this improve the business/guest experience?" vs "what is the operational cost to do this?" and then make the decision based on that.