My Cousin's Advice
Excerpts from a following conversation during dinner:
Cousin: So have you given her the signals?And so on it went. So with this random egging on from my relatives, it's time to step up the fun and festivities.
Kev: Yeah, I have, you know, calling her, inviting her out to places.
Cousin: Mate, that's really nothing! You need to be consistent and concerted in your approach. You have to do things for her that are above and beyond what a normal friend would do.
Kev: But the signs aren't there.
Cousin: She's a friend! Why would she give signs to you if (as I see it) you're not giving that clear a sign to her?
Kev: hmmm......
Kev: So you wanna come round for dinner? I'll cook for you.Now I just have to find that Jamie Oliver cookbook :)
Girl: Sounds good!
Damn! fifteen cheap calls already:
May I suggest a quality desert wine to help lighten the mood after dinner as well as providing a smooth transition to whatever post-dinner activities that you may have...Plan, plan, plan.
Oh, and have fun. :)
bOGi - 29 November '03 - 12:18
I was thinking of some's got taht summer thing to it.
JookBoy - 29 November '03 - 15:45
I suggest you try position 44. It worked for you last time. :)
Dre - 29 November '03 - 17:38
I'm a fan of strong opening gambits. But you might want to defer your endgame and sacrifice your bishop or it just might be a stalemate.
-Stephen- - 30 November '03 - 09:10
So it be awwwwn!!! (hopefully!)
I agree with your cousin. You've got to make sure that she knows how you feel. And some girls still like the guy to make the first move.
I'd suggest to fully know beforehand what you want to tell her. And don't plan plan plan plan plan plan (sorry bogi, gotta disagree with you a little there). just plan the basics (what you want to say, what you need to cook, what you need to drink - kev, u stick with water ok!) and leave the rest to fate. that way you won't have to stress about follow a plan for the whole night. you can just relax and be yourself.
and yes have fun!!! damn it, ok plan to have fun!!!
Anton - 30 November '03 - 20:59
You know what dude, just cook something nice. Other than that, just be yourself, don't hold back (in being yourself. You should probably try to hold back your sexual urges until after your main, but not necessarily before your dessert.) Things will flow their natural course from there. I mean it's not like you two are strangers right? You will somehow find a common field to play (ie flirt) on.
And if you get nervous (which I doubt) just keep saying to yourself 'WHO GOT GAME?!!! I got GAME!!' and you'll be right.
Dre - 01 December '03 - 14:44
I'm getting tips all round!
Thanks for the advice, all, let's hope it all goes well :)
I probly agree with you, Anton, as long as the food is all worked out, everything else will take its own haphazard course.
I've got a recipe for Impossible Pie from my aunty hehe
JookBoy - 01 December '03 - 15:29
wow ... I'm feelin all nervous just reading this page ... and I aint even going to be there!!! :)
What are you doing to yourself Kev!!! :p
btw ... don't forget to plan what you're going to do with Waz for the night :) hehehe
scraps (email) - 02 December '03 - 06:19
It's all about thriving under pressure...but I'm beginning to doubt that :P
Don't worry, Waz will take care of himself!
JookBoy (email) - 02 December '03 - 15:48
Will he be working the video camera?
Dre - 02 December '03 - 19:26
Oh, that's so cheap.....quality :)
JookBoy - 02 December '03 - 20:06
Damn, Wazz is workin the vid cam? Shit. Now I have nothing to do!

Go with the flow bro. If in doubt, there is always Le Ranch 'O Love
PeeDz - 02 December '03 - 22:20
Girl: Why are we going to Macquarie?
Kev: Oh, I'm going for a massage
JookBoy - 03 December '03 - 21:15
What u cooking kev? something spicy?? (ooh it's getting hot in here...)
I'm sure she'll luv whatever u make. Always difficult for a gal to resist a guy that cooks for her.
pskis - 03 December '03 - 22:23
Umm, cocktails, some sort of grilled fish, with salad, and a dessert.
Dessert has already gone slightly askew in trial runs :P
Thanks for the optimism :)
JookBoy (email) - 04 December '03 - 15:33