"Dry" - A Review
I was recommended this book by a workmate of mine. It follows the memoirs of a alcoholic who goes into rehab and experiences all the trials and tribulations that soberness provides. Whilst the story of recovering alcoholics is not new, the fact that he is a gay advertising writer does lend some more interest to the tale. The humour in the book is top-notch. I had trouble with a few of the references he makes, but the details in which he goes to make it a very enjoyable read.
What I did find the most interesting was the way gay guys seem to be constantly on a roller-coaster of emotions. Heady heights of happiness one day, mind-numbing lows the next. This ability to understand their own emotions to that level is something that amazes me. Is this the reason that girls like to have a gay guy best friend? Because they can understand the emotional roller-coaster, whilst lending another perspective?
There was one line in the book where someone makes a snarky comment to Augusten (the author), who says "Take that back!". I could not help but laugh that is exactly the same line my workmate (who recommend me the book) uses. And yes he is, for those that are asking.
Damn! four cheap calls already:
have you ever considered gals like gay guys as best friends because gals know gay guys won't try and get into their pants? :P i think a lot of straight guys cross that line with their closest gal pals.reenie (link) - 18 June '06 - 05:51
Really reenie?!! Clearly I'm not alluring enough as I can't recall any of my straight male chums making a pass at me!! Boo.
Or maybe it's just a more dangerous line to tread when both parties are single. You get along, you like each other enough to be good friends, you have fun and enjoy great times together, which all results in a 'oh well why not?' kinda thing?
beckster (link) - 18 June '06 - 10:54
nah, I don't think that's 100% true. This gay buddist monk I used to hang around with a bit was a huge womanizer. Also a cockblock. And to top it all off, he said he didn't find me attractive. Damn gay guys.

randomcow - 25 June '06 - 05:37
:/ i've been in tricky situations before, where i thought i was just good friends with the guy, and the guy ends up wanting more. it's tough, cause you have to end the friendship too sometimes. i've also been told many times by different guys, that when a straight guy looks at a girl, majority of the time, he's trying to figure out how to get into her pants. right RC? :P
beckster, there were probably a TON of guys lusting after you when you were single. they were just too scared to do anything about it :)
reenie (link) - 02 July '06 - 21:48