[8008boyz] On Tour
A true boyz holiday up in the Gold Coast for Geri and Dessy's bucks weekend.
I have not partied this hard for a long time....I'm guessing about 10 hours sleep in 3 nights.
Gokarting was great, golfing was great, and my wrist is still stuffed.
Of course, what goes on tour stays on tour :)
But I'll put these two quality photos up! The clock's ticking for you, Che-Z!
A big shout out to Bill for his ChopDesigns shirts. You rock mate!

Damn! six cheap calls already:
sweeet!ding! (link) - 24 August '04 - 07:35
You're wrist was stuffed ey Kev? What sort of fun were you having up there? (hopefully the kind you have when you're on your own...)
Dre - 25 August '04 - 10:26
I think it was too much leaning up on the bar at Shooters wasn't it? Like a steel hunting trap from what I remember~
ricegrains (link) - 25 August '04 - 11:18
I swears it was a sporting injury.
And Boges, a gentleman never tells. I'm going for a mystery look :)
JookBoy (link) - 25 August '04 - 18:59
It's damn hard work to look good with a condom on your head! (even with a sweeeet 8008boyz t-shirt on) :)
Dessy - 06 September '04 - 12:06
Forgive me, but I have been away far too long. I saw the photos and thought "what the hell are these guys up to??". LEast now I know Des did not choose to wear that thing on his head...
TT (email) - 07 October '04 - 00:36
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