Thursday, 11 November 2004

A Lack Of Sleep

Couldn't get to sleep the other night. Just too much thinking of where I should be and where I am currently, and what the options are. I suppose a lack of activity at work has prompted a review of what Lend Lease means to me, and why I feel that I'm not moving forward as fast as I can. Also, seeing a friend last night made me think of what overseas has in store.

I so want to be sure that the next step is the right one for me. However, buy thinking so much about which step is best, you end up not making a decision at all.

I think I know what I want to do. I want to have my own business, and the learnings I need lie outside of the IT area. Things like marketing, sales, budgeting are not within the scope of the role that I have now. There is a possibility of a marketing job within that I think may help alleviate some of this knowledge deficit, but it is neither confirmed nor detailed.
There is a side of me that really wants to work overseas. Why? Because I think it's a step towards gaining a broader perspective on life, to meet new people, and to see what else is out there. Again, there is a possibility of this opportunity.

Both seem to be experiences that would be lots of fun. However, both are far away (possibly next June at the earliest) and both are (realistically) incompatible, given my low level of expertise in the marketing area. The highest priority task must therefore be to work out what the actual two jobs consist of. Of course, with the overseas

For some reason, I just feel so "meh" at work at the moment. Something's been lost at Lend Lease for me, that energy that was in there before. I think it's a case of hanging around the more negatively minded people, listening to their stories (which I can empathise with), or maybe it's the fact that I'm not really doing any new projects currently (although this situation has only reared its ugly head in the last 2 weeks).

It sucks to be in this position, I want to move forward, and I have this bad feeling that I'm not going to be able to for the next few months. But then I stop and think for one minute...only 26, and as my good friend's sister pointed out, not complete until 30. Another friend told me that, if you look at it another way, if both choices are good, then that doesn't mean either choices won't be available if one is picked. Also, I'm working in one of the nicest corporate buildings in Sydney, if not Australia. There's some wonderful people around me, and you have managers that like you.

Somewhere in that list, I should be able to utilise it to my advantage, right? :)

Damn! four cheap calls already:

The hunting never stops my man. I feel your pain..well, I've felt many things of yours I shouldn't have, but this is life.

All I can say is, if you really want something to change be prepared to take some other chances. You know that I know that you know this well, sometimes it just has to be said again.

Oh my other point, WE F**KING YOUNG STILL. Dont sweat it. I for one now believe life truly begins at 30 :)
PeeDz - 10 November '04 - 18:08

Dude, my suggestion is to go overseas and just lie about the experience you have. Tell them that you have 4 years in marketing and put me as your reference/contact phone number. Then you just have to sit back and wait for the life experiences to come knocking on your door...

randomcow - 14 November '04 - 05:58

"Dude, my suggestion is to go overseas and just lie about the experience." - RC

yes, I am in ageement. Tell the ladies you worked as a porn star before being deported from Australia due to three lewd conduct and indecent exposure charges, with one of the more serious incidents lasting over several hours. Or conversely, tell them you're overseas getting penis reduction surgery because the extra weight be 'throwing off your balance when you walk.'

I'm sure that will get you some good work in Germany.
Desi Arnez - 14 November '04 - 09:30

Thanks for the quality cooments! I'll keep them in mind. Or maybe others who read this website may find that they're more useful to them :)

I was in a strip show...does that count for me being a porn star?
JookBoy (link) - 18 November '04 - 12:41

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