Sunday, 18 January 2009

Recession Proof

I got a strange rash swimming in a bay in South Africa (I was bitten by something in the water, probably a jellyfish or something). Ended up seeing a dermatologist to check out what was going on. The fees that they charge are phenomenal!
I checked out the invoice and found the following:
$180 - 10 min consultation (there was one visit where I swear the doctor spoke for 30 seconds and then left)
$250 - removing a wart, probably 2 min work.
Total bill: $430

Lucky for me the medical insurance I have covers the costs, so I end up paying $30.

Still, I can understand why people would want to do medicine so much. If you can charge like that, and people are always willing to pay for their health, it's all good!

Kevvy, I hope you hit this kind of earnings! :)

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