Newsflash!! Evil Twins Spotted!
Oh dear...

Thanks for letting us crash your place again Helen! Happy Birthday mate.
ue - 16 May '04 - 19:08
ding! - 17 May '04 - 06:24
gawd diggidy!! haha. Dude, you should have fused the left part of xtns, and right part of yours together..
oh oh oh! :)
Mey - 18 May '04 - 06:54
Yes... well... we all have to entertain ourselves somehow
xtn (link) - 19 May '04 - 06:00
That is nasty. Very. Hurts me in fact. The thought of three kevs running around... *shudder*
Peedz - 19 May '04 - 18:03
Just like to add that it was taken with one camera....there has been no Photoshop action involved. Love the Casio digital!
JookBoy (link) - 20 May '04 - 11:41
Twin Kev Cs will ownz one Kev Y for sure! :P
JookBoy (link) - 20 May '04 - 11:47
OMG kev, are you in [y] clan. Did you ever play broodwar? hahaha.
Mey - 23 May '04 - 05:45
?? Not that I recall Mey. Can I have more details?
JookBoy (link) - 23 May '04 - 06:24
[ConGeE] Clan beats [y] clan
Peedz - 23 May '04 - 20:04
Umm, it's just a rts game I used to play online. Used to speak to a few [y] ppl but I can't remember whether there was a Kev or not :P
Mey - 26 May '04 - 05:43
I never got into Brood War...maybe I couldn't get them Zerglings out quick enough. Haha, this is such nerdy talk!
JookBoy (link) - 29 May '04 - 16:32
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