A Glass And A Half For Some
I think I'm watching too many TV shows. It could just be because I have no one to talk to during my dinner time!
Anyways, there was a great documentary about excessive drinking, and the effects it has on your body. The program followed some guys out on the town, and in between the scientific stuff, had some random interviews with the guys, and their friends. Fun stuff.
So here are some of the facts that I gleaned from it:
- Alcohol immediately affects the brain from the get go, increasing the pleasure and relaxant hormones, which is usually why the first drink is the best.
- Women get more drunk not due to their size but by the relative amount of fat in their bodies, as fat does not contain water, and water dissapates the effects.
- After two drinks, members of the opposite sex appear 25% more sexier.
- Tetosterone levels actually decrease slightly with more alcohol. Oestrogren levels for women, on the other hand, increases a massive 400%, which is why you see all that booty shaking action on the dance floor. Why are men horny, then? Well, they are always horny, it's usually bottled up in self-control. That self-control is what is removed with alcohol (also induced by the said booty shaking that's happening in front of them)
- Alcohol is a diuretic, and hence on a big drinking night, you pee more fluids out than drink in. Since the brain contains tons of water, water is reduced in this area as well, and the brain actually shrinks, causing that hammering feeling in your skull the next day.
- Even when you have 0.00 alcohol levels the next day, your brain still can't function properly, leading to bad judgement ie the person sleeping next to you.
- Testosterone levels will decrease with each drinking session. Over the long term, this is what leads to a shrinkage in testicles, reduced sperm cournt, and most badly of all, the dreaded man-boobs :)
And here ends today's lesson. Tune in next time when we discuss the effects of fast food. Alternatively, just watch Supersize Me!
Damn! ten cheap calls already:
well then.... i'll see you at the roof bar :pue - 30 June '04 - 18:51
So why does my voice go up to octaves when i get tipsy?
Lil - 01 July '04 - 06:54
It's the oestrogen talking

JookBoy (email) (link) - 01 July '04 - 07:06
Lil, i think its cos u go hypo too...when u go hypo on coffee...when E is trying to get u to do something ridiculous in public...when were pissing in our pants over another "incident" - you start squeaking!
petals - 01 July '04 - 09:14
I'd always heard that with drinking - "the desire increases, but the performance decreases" ... now I know why! Well from now on - less drinks for me, more for the chicks :) more boo-tay shakin i say!
Dessy - 12 July '04 - 11:57
How can they say anything bad about the ultimate social lubricant?! How RUDE! Thou shalt not defame the drink!!
Peedz - 20 July '04 - 14:44
Perhaps you need to drink something harder than Malibu KC...the opposite sex becomes more attractive quicker no? :)
"After two drinks people of the opposite sex appear 25% more attractive" Hmm...does this work exponentially, or are we talking straight line correlation here?
Perhaps we should test this theory on you at our next night out!
ricegrains (link) - 12 August '04 - 07:48
Confirmed at Gold Coast. Everyone's hotter after 2 drinks!
JookBoy (link) - 21 August '04 - 16:21
That's right; and we have the evidence to prove it! w00t~
ricegrains (link) - 23 August '04 - 12:58
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